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Changing plecs circuits disabled eventhough license is valid

0 votes
Hello guys,

I have the following problem concerning licensing: I received a valid student license file a couple of days ago. I followed the PLECS blockset installation guide step by step as it is described on the installation help page.

When I open a Simulink model that includes PLECS circuits, I can open them, but when trying to do any changes it says "No valid license found. All editing operations are disabled." In contrast, if I open PLECS license manager, it says: "License valid". You can see corresponding screenshots in attachment. The same problem appears if I type "plecslib", create a new simulink model and try do fill it with plecs circuits.

How can that be? Any ideas for troubleshooting?

Some more information:
- I use PLECS blockset software 4.1.5 64x
- MATLAB / Simulink release R2017b

Best regards
asked Mar 17, 2018 by mKa (16 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Problem solved. There was a problem with the MATLAB / Simulink license, not with PLECS.
answered Mar 20, 2018 by mKa (16 points)
I am also in the same situation, but my MATLAB work normally