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How go give one year solar irradiance and ambient temperature data to the grid connected solar PV System

0 votes
I have logged every minute data of solar irradiance and ambient temperature for one year. How can i give this data as input to grid connected solar pv system
asked Sep 26, 2019 by K Sainadh Singh (21 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Best answer
UPDATE: As of PLECS 4.4, the PLECS library now has a "From File" component that can be used for this purpose.
answered Jun 10, 2020 by Kris Eberle (1,619 points)
+1 vote


You can use lookup tables to include external/predefined data into your simulation. Please see this forum thread for an explanation of the solution:


answered Sep 26, 2019 by Kris Eberle (1,619 points)
Thanks for replying me sir,

I have taken one year solar irradiance and ambient temperature with one minute sample from September 2017 to August 2018. I have given this one year mission profile to the example model in the plecs but I cant able to run the model. I am getting the following errors attached. Help me how to run this simulation.

Provide me you email id I will provide the data also, which is large and not attached with this mail.

I kindly ask that you post a very small subset of the data that generates the error message then, and I should be able to help you from there.

Sir I have attached the long data and plecs simulation file. Help me in running this simulatioin
Hi Sainadh,

I went through the model that you provided. Essentially, what you’re trying to do is to replace the “input" of the existing demo model "Single-Phase PV Inverter with Partial Shading” from the PLECS demo model library, with your data, while leaving the rest of the model as-is, including the closed loop controller.

If you look at the demo model carefully, the input “G” to the simulated PV panels is either 0.65 or 1, because there is a gain of “Gn" in the PV subsystem, which is adjusting the value of the effective “irradiance” to either 1000 W/m^2 or 650 W/m^2 (partial shading condition). In your case, you simply replaced this “Sun” step block with your data (ranging from 0 to over 1000), which is incorrect. Look under the PV subsystem (right click > subsystem > look under the mask) to understand the PV model. Additionally, go through the demo model description to get a better understanding of the demo model.

Also, this model uses a closed-loop controller. The controller parameters have been optimized for specific inputs and outputs. It may or may not work with your data set.

My suggestion is to take help from this existing demo model to create your own model. I would first start off by creating a PV model only, then create a DC/DC model with an open loop controller. Once that is working, I would then build the DC/AC part of the model and then combine them all. That will make it easier to debug as well.

Thank you madam for your suggestions and comments.