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Separate switching losses into Eon and Eoff

0 votes
Hello Users

I'm wondering whether PLECS has any "built-in" (or direct) way to separate the switching losses of a device into turn-on and turn-off.

asked Jul 22, 2020 by Anastasios (18 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
PLECS does not have such a library component, but this logic can be developed from primitive blocks- see the attached example built in PLECS Standalone. To open the model in PLECS Blockset, add an empty PLECS Circuit block in a Simulink model and from the File menu, choose "Import from Standalone". You are able to look under the mask of the component to see the design.

Best regards,

answered Jul 22, 2020 by Kris Eberle (1,619 points)
selected Jul 23, 2020 by Anastasios
Thanks a lot Kris for the support. Really straightforward tip to do the task. Until now I was creating two different thermal models for the same component to accomplish the split, but your suggestion is much simpler and neat.

