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Continuous: Fourier Transform, RMS Value and THD

0 votes

How can implement:
  1. Continuous Fourier Transform
  2. Continuous RMS Value
  3. Continuous THD Value
if I do not have PLECS 4.4. ???
Is there any posibility of doing that? Or I must have PLECS 4.4. so that I can have access to these new blocks/features?
asked Aug 1, 2020 by Andrew (22 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

The blocks are introduced in PLECS 4.4 only, but you can either replicate them in your version or possibly copy them into your model while running it first in 4.4 and then see if it's possible to open it in the earlier version without any issues (you would want to "Break the library link" of the component before saving). But either way, you would need to install PLECS 4.4 to see the block's implementation or copy it, and potentially a valid full or trial license depending on what option you pursue (you cannot save a model in PLECS Standalone Demo Mode, for example).


answered Aug 3, 2020 by Kris Eberle (1,623 points)