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How can I measure peak-to-peak value of a voltage signal on plecs?

0 votes


I would like to measure the peak-to-peak (or ripple voltage) on a DC link in plecs without using the scope but directly with plecs tools. Could anyone help me?


Thanks in advance
asked Mar 5, 2021 by Speedo14 (12 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Please find attached a basic working PLECS Standalone example showing how you can calculate the peak-peak magnitude of a signal. You can copy the enclosed subsystem block into your own models. Note that you just need to set the averaging window time based on the frequency(s) of your signal of interest.

To open this model in PLECS Blockset, add an empty PLECS Circuit block in a Simulink model and from the File menu, choose "Import from Standalone".

Let me know if you have questions.

answered Mar 5, 2021 by Kris Eberle (1,623 points)