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Multitone analysis parameters

0 votes

Hi there

I am running a closed loop simulation, and trying to measure the transfer function of my converter (plant) using the multitone analysis. 

My simulation starts at t=0, and at that time there is a transient, which takes 10 s to settle. Therefore, I am running the Multitone analysis with these settings, where I set "Init. simul period = 10". Just wondering wether this is correct, ie. is the multitone analysis is being performed only after 10 s that the simulation has been running? i.e is the result of the multitone meaningful and representing a perturbation occurring at steady state for my circuit (which settles after 10 s)?


Thank you

asked Mar 21, 2021 by Lello (22 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
Hi, yes, that is exactly correct!
answered Mar 22, 2021 by Kris Eberle (1,623 points)
selected Mar 25, 2021 by Lello