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Viewing induction motor output rpm and torque

+1 vote
I am using the induction motor models from electrical machines library. Though I can see the output signal port, I am not sure how to view it using a scope. Specifically, I need to know when the machine is in generator mode, which I plan to conclude by comparing the rotor speed with the synchronous speed.
asked Jan 25, 2019 by archie1112 (21 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
you can observe the motor speed in two ways:

1.  use the speed sensor in plecs library mechanical -->rotational-->sensors--> rotational speed sensor

2.  use the "Probe" block in the plecs library to oberve the output speed of the induction motor


best regard

answered Jan 28, 2019 by yanshaofei333 (56 points)
selected Jan 28, 2019 by archie1112
Thank you very much, I'd found it by now, but the effort you put into creating the answer is commendable! Thanks once again.