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The thermal model in the PLECS, which include heat sink or not? heat sink should play an important role?

0 votes
The thermal model in the PLECS, which include heat sink or not? heat sink should play an important role?
asked Feb 25, 2019 by karthik (29 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer


Actually, the Heat Sink component is required for doing a simulation that includes thermal calculations in PLECS. It is an isothermal surface of equal temperature that captures losses from switch and resistive components within its borders. This block can represent an actual heat sink in your system or the case of a semiconductor, for example, depending on how you define the rest of the circuit. You might find our tutorial videos on the thermal domain helpful:

Best regards,


answered Feb 25, 2019 by Kris Eberle (1,623 points)
selected Feb 25, 2019 by karthik
Thank you sir.