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Pause, save and resume simulation: is it possible?

0 votes
Hi there!

I'm using Plecs on a server machine and it typically needs to be restarted for updates.
Since I have very long simulations (5-6 days) it would be useful to pause the simulation, save the current state of the whole state space matrix with the current values (like a freeze..), let the server restart and then, resume the simulation from the previous point.
Conceptually it's like a "pause" and "resume" but in between Plecs gets completely shut down.

I don't think this is possible through the Plecs interface but I wonder if an Octace script could do it.

asked Sep 13, 2021 by nikilito (113 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
In principle this functionality is available from the PLECS user interface in "Store current state ..." and "Initialize from stored system state" (in the Initialization tab of the Simulation settings dialog).

However, this only works if there are no hidden states in the models (for example in C-Scripts).
answered Oct 19, 2021 by Oliver Schwartz (626 points)
selected Oct 20, 2021 by nikilito