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Build process for plant subsystem stuck on analyze transitions step.

0 votes


I've been trying to build my plant subsystem onto the Generic Target after verifying the system through offline simulations. However, despite changing the digital input blocks to the PWM Capture block, the build process still halts at the analyze transitions step (stuck at 0%). 

Since my plant system contains numerous Flyback converters connected together, the Power Modules section of the PLECS Library does not contain a low-side switch in which I could replace the discrete switching devices with. 

Is there anything I could do to resolve this issue? 

Thank you so much.

asked Apr 9, 2022 by Ricky (18 points)

1 Answer

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The reason the build process is stuck at this step is likely due to the large number of switching combinations associated with numerous paralleled flyback converters.  Refer to the first few pages of the "RT Box: Model Optimizations" tutorial on the Plexim website.

Model splitting, as described in the optimizations tutorial, is one way to reduce the number of switching combinations in the generated code.  The logical place to split the model to reduce the number of switching combinations would be within the transformer.

You're also correct that there isn't a component in the power module well suited for the basic flyback topology.  Broadly speaking there is little demand for real-time simulation of flyback converters as the low power levels and low hardware costs lend themselves to hardware prototype (among other reasons). The implementation of the power modules are all open and modifiable so that a motivated engineer could derive and implement their own integrated power module for this topology.


answered Apr 11, 2022 by Bryan Lieblick (2,031 points)
Okay, thank you so much.

Just a quick follow up question with the model splitting of the transformer. In this case, does it mean I'll have to utilize controlled current / voltage source to replace the transformer in order to decouple the switching states of the primary-side and secondary-side?
Hello, yes, that is the suggested approach here.