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Too many return arguments are specified in steady state analysis tool - PLECS Blockset

0 votes

When running the steady-state analysis tool for PLECS blockset through both the interface and command line, I get an error that says "Error using plsteadystate. Too many return arguments are specified. Specify only one". To me, this is confusing because I don't know where or how to specify return arguments for steady-state analysis. What does this error mean and what is a good way to go about debugging it?

Thank you!
asked Jun 23, 2022 by nbiesterfeld (17 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
There may be an incompatibility between the PLECS analysis tools and the "Single simulation output" option in the Simulink configuration parameters.

Please open the "Configuration Parameters" dialog go to the "Data Import/Export" page and in the group "Save to workspace or file" uncheck the option "Single simulation output”.
answered Jun 23, 2022 by Bryan Lieblick (2,045 points)
selected Jun 23, 2022 by nbiesterfeld
This fixed it! Your help is much appreciated.