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PLECS thermal library file .xml not found in thermal description

0 votes

I am trying to do the thermal simulation of a motor drive where I am using Infineon make FF6MR12KM1BOSA1 as the device to realize a 3 phase inverter. I got the model file (.xml) from Infineon simulation support and I am using that file as the device thermal library file in PLECS. As mentioned in PLECS thermal tutorials, I gave the path for the .xml file in File--> PLECS Preferences. I am using the same folder for .xml file and design. plecs file. When I tried to locate the file in the thermal description window, I couldn't find the library file. In fact that library file fetching option itself is getting disabled. I am using Plecs 3.6 licensed version .Kindly support me to come out of this issue.


NB. Pls find attached the screenshot of the window which creates the issue.

Thanking You.
asked Jul 6, 2022 by Girish K (12 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Hello Girish,

The PLECS Thermal descriptions have evolved significantly since PLECS 3.6 to include additional features and functionality.  The latest files from Infineon are likely not compatible with the older version of PLECS you're using.  While you can continue to use the older version of PLECS with your permanent license, you will need to have a more recent version of the software to access the latest developments.


answered Jul 7, 2022 by Bryan Lieblick (2,023 points)