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What can I use to represent a reciprocal in math function?

0 votes
I need a reciprocal under math function block.
After selecting the math function block in plecs library, there is no function for reciprocal.
The functions under the math function are square,square root,exponential, logarithm,power,mod,rem.
Please what can I use to represent a reciprocal?
asked Feb 11, 2023 by Awesome (30 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
You can use a "Divide" block or a "Function" block from the Functions & Tables section of the PLECS library with the 1/u expression.

Be careful not to divide by zero by either sanitizing the input or using the min/max functions in your expression.
answered Feb 15, 2023 by Bryan Lieblick (2,045 points)