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Copy Schematic from Blockset to Blockset

0 votes
I'd like to copy a schematic from a Blockset circuit to another Blockset circuit but unfortunately this does not work as in Standalone. The only way I managed to do this is by exporting it to a Standalone Model and Importing it back. Is there a better way to do this?
asked Mar 21, 2023 by Hannes Thielke (14 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
You can use drag&drop or clipboard copy between schematic windows that belong to the same editor application both in PLECS Standalone and PLECS Blockset.

I suspect that you have started two instances of MATLAB/Simulink and thus also have two instances of the PLECS schematic editor. Copying between schematic windows of these two editor applications is indeed not possible.
answered Mar 27, 2023 by Wolfgang Hammer (401 points)