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How to multiply two electrical wires?

0 votes

I would like to multiply to electrical connections as shown in fig. I tried with wire multiplexer but it is showing error as mentioned in fig. Can I get solution for this? I tried with multiplexer(Product) but which is only for signal. it is not connected to electrical wires. 

asked Jul 12, 2023 by Sri (15 points)
Unfortunately the image resolution is not high enough to read the error message. But this appears to be related to the connection width. What is the upper input width of the Multiplexor, 1 or 3? If 3, you will need to set the Multiplexor width parameter to [3 1] rather than 2. If that doesn't help, please post your model or explain the issue further.
Thank You for your response.

I have tried as you mentioned, but it is creating problem at 3 Ph voltage measurement.
The above picture is used with wire multiplier. I have used width 2. Below is the error message.

Width of component terminal (1) does not match width of connection (2). The connection width is fixed by component xxxxxxxxxx.  Check the parameters and connections of these components to correct the error.
Yes I guess in looking at the image that again my comment doesn't make sense, but are you able to attach your model here? Even just the isolated part that causes the issue?
I have attached the isolated model. If you need any further information please let me know.

Thank you for continues support.

1 Answer

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Best answer

Hello, if I understand correct and you are simply trying to add a current into the circuit, then this doesn't require a multiplexor at all. Rather, you just connect the controlled current source into the existing circuit, in series with the load voltage source.

If I modify one of our existing rectifier demo models, here is an image to give you some guidance:

answered Jul 13, 2023 by Kris Eberle (1,623 points)
selected Jul 14, 2023 by Sri
You can also change the direction of the current source, obviously, this was just an example.
Hi Kris Eberle,
Here I am attaching one image please look at it. It is showing error with this modification as well. I tried changing current source direction as well.
In that case you are not able to connect an ideal current source to an ideal inductor as an inductive current discontinuity isn't possible. There are workarounds you can take by adding impedance (such as I have it in the schematic, or by using a load cap with ESR). Feel free to come back if you still have questions!
Thank you Kris Eberle. It really helped me. I could able to achieve my target.
Great, thanks for letting me know!