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triangular and trapezoidal current modulation in PLECS

0 votes
I am trying to implement various modulation schemes to dual active bridge (DAB). I have done single phase shift and dual phase shift. I am looking for reference materials for triangular and trapezoidal current modulation implementations in PLECS. Need your insights.
asked Sep 20, 2023 by sivakumar (12 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Hello, I came across this resource- perhaps it could be helpful for you:

answered Nov 17, 2023 by Kris Eberle (1,623 points)
These simulation files discussed only control methods but not modulation approaches. The only modulation they used is single phase shift.




So I am assuming you are familiar with these concepts and have looked at various resources (e.g.,,the%20inductor%20current%20reaches%20zero.), but do you have a specific issue then that you are having in PLECS? Did you try for example, measuring the inductor current in the triangular modulation approach to determine turn-off time? We don't have a ready-made model in this case, but more feedback from you would be helpful to better advise you on this.
