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Non-sampled zero crossings

0 votes

I have this error "Maximum number of iterations exceeded during evaluation of non-sampled zero crossings. Please try reducing the sample time or increasing the refine factor."

The model runs in fixed-step and whenever I reduce the sample time, the memory is full and the model can't run.
Thank you!
asked Oct 3, 2023 by Magdalini (20 points)
edited Oct 5, 2023 by Magdalini

1 Answer

0 votes

Your model has many scopes and a small time step.  The combination requires large amounts of memory to store the simulation data. See:

The model also uses the "Memory" block in many locations.  This means that changing the fixed step size changes the delays in your system which is not desirable.  I would advise using a variable-step solver and replacing the variable "Memory" delays with "Zero order holds" or discrete delays as appropriate.  The C-Scripts may also require some small modifications to support a variable step solver.

answered Oct 3, 2023 by Bryan Lieblick (2,065 points)