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Using initialization value in C-script

0 votes
Dear Plecs,


Can I use initialization value in the C-script?

The initialization value can not affect the C-script

Best regards,
asked Oct 19, 2023 by oming0731 (35 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Values entered in the Model Initialization Commands or Mask Initialization Commands can be passed into C-Scripts using the "Parameters" field, configured in the C-Script's "Setup" tab.

From the C-Script documentation, the "Parameters" field is described as: "A comma-separated list of expressions that are passed as external parameters into the C functions. The expressions can reference workspace variables and must evaluate to scalars, vectors, matrices, 3d-arrays or strings."

You can then access the parameter entries using the ParamRealData() or ParamStringData() macros.

answered Oct 23, 2023 by Bryan Lieblick (2,045 points)