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Code Targets for the STM32F303xx

0 votes

Dear PLECS Team

On your website (STM32 Code Generation | Plexim) it is noted, that code building to STM32G431, STM32G474, STM32F303 and STM32F334 microprocessors is possible. For me this means that, all chip variants of these microprocessors can be build by PLECS (e.g. STM32F303RE, STM32F303ZE ...). When i install the TSP of the STM32 i get only the following Targets of the STM32F303xx: RE. Can i also build code to the target STM32F303ZE for example?

I'am asking because it is a bit confusing on the website which processors can be used. 

Thanks for your answer,
Best regard,

asked Feb 29 by raphael.baumeler (45 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Raphael, you should be able to program the other F303XX variants. However, the target support package currently does not enforce pin (and memory) restrictions for the other target variations. So one has to make sure to just use resources that are available.
answered Mar 6 by Bryan Lieblick (2,019 points)
Hi Bryan

Ok perfect, thanks for your answer.