Dear Plecs Team
I do not understand how i can generate code into an existing STM32CubeIDE project.
I have an existing project which displays text on a ST7735 1.44'' display. Now i want to build a additional project with plecs and integrate this in my exisiting STMCubeIDE project. How can i do this?
STMCubeIDE project link (to large for attachement): STM32_Projekte
My goal is to use the following workflow:
1. build programm with plecs
2. include the plecs project into an existing stm32 Cube IDE project
3. build and debugg the complete project (plecs + stm project) with stm cube IDE
I am using the following versions:
Plecs: 4.8.3
tsp_stm32: 1.4.3
STMCubeIDE: 1.14.1
Thanks for answering my question.
Best regards,
Raphael Baumeler