Hi Hassan,
The GaN systems thermal models must be used with the library component provided by GaN systems. They will not work with other components from the PLECS library, as the thermal model can only be associated with the specific model you've highlighted from GaN Systems.
The installation instructions are included in the *.zip package from GaN Systems. I copied them below. The most common error is referring directly to the directory provided by GaN systems (gan_systems_plecs_models) instead of the directory above the gan_systems_plecs_models :
To install the GaN Systems HEMT library component and corresponding thermal descriptions (XML files), simply add this directory (containing the "GaNSystemsThermalDescriptions/" folder, "GaNSystemsHEMTComponent.plecs" PLECS model, and "info.xml" file) into the list of thermal description search paths in the Thermal tab of the PLECS Preferences window.
Click the Refresh button on the left side of the list and click OK to load the GaN Systems files into PLECS. Close and restart PLECS.
Then a new entry in the PLECS Library Browser should appear "GaN Systems HEMT" containing one component "GaN HEMT" that can be dragged into your own circuit models. If you then double-click on the component you will see that all the thermal descriptions (device loss models) included in the folder are available for selection directly."