Normally to sample a signal it is common to use the ZOH block, so the begin of the sampling start from 0 and the signal is sampled at the end of each samplig period, but if i want to delay the starting sampling instant in a window time included between 0 and the period of sampling, what kind of block can i use?
i’ ve found the right way with two-element vector specifying the hold time length and offset, as written in the inline help, but i cannot specify an offset time bigger than the sampling time
now suppose to have an interlaving converter with 3 carrier, and i want po peform a duoble update for each carrier (so sample time equal to half a period of the carrier), i need to specify for the last carrier a sample offset bigger than the sample time, how can i do it?
Attached what i mean
sampling.plecs (11.5 KB)
Same issue for the sample time setting of a discrete block
Note that your sampling is half the rate of your carrier. Since the signals are periodic, we can consider that a desired sample time offset (To,desired) that exceeds the desired sample period (Ts) would occur in the next period.
Referencing the offset from the start of the next period, To = To,desired - Ts.
So the third sample and hold in your model would be (1/3 - 1/2)/fs which is less than 1/(2*fs), meeting the criteria that To < Ts.
sampling.plecs (11.1 KB)