how can I add my new configurable subsystem to the matlab library?


Based on tutorial video, I made a new configurable subsystem and I can use it as a new defined component in blockset plecs. I defined the matlab path in plecs preference to see my new component in matlab as well, but I can not! I would appreciate if anyone help me.Thank you in advance.


Please refer to this previously asked question and see if you are able to solve the problem:

Let me know if you are still stuck.

Best regards,


hi Kris,

thank you for your reply. Is it possible to use generated extra library component in standalone to blockset one? I mean after adding extra plecs library in simulink, when I open the plecs there is a nonactive part ‘’ import from standalone’’ in menu file. Is it possible to activate this part and use standalone component in blockset as well?


You can import a PLECS Standalone model into a Simulink model containing a blank PLECS Circuit component, using the File menu option you mentioned. Should you want to add this imported model to an existing one, you will need to copy and paste it from the blank one or add your existing PLECS Blockset model to the imported one. Is that clear? You can then make a new library component file with the additional imported blocks in the same fashion as described in the link above.



Thank you so much for your comprehensive reply. My file menu in plecs component in simulink is not active to import plecs standalone file to bleckset. I have standalone, blockset plecs and RT Box on my laptop. Do you think I need something else to activate ‘’ import from standalone’’ option?


Are you trying to access this option while within a blank PLECS Circuit block in a Simulink model? If so, I would recommend we redirect your question to PLECS Support ( Let me know.



no, I tried to access that option in a blank plecs lib. component in a simulink model; in other way, that option was not active in plecs library component in simulink model, can I ask you what is the application of plecs lib. component?