Inductance saturation measurement L(I)

Using derivatives in measurement is generally subject to noise and can create poor results. For example if the scope is blank, the result is likely not a number or infinite (NaN/Inf). One can create a bandwidth limited derivative block using the transfer function s/(s/Kf+1). See this other forum response related to the PID block. This somewhat works, per the attached model, but I would not recommend it for the above reasoning. There also could be an integral based reformulation of your query, but I didn’t implement such a change.

A better way would be to use the time constant of an RL circuit and look at the step response. The time constant can be derived from the step response. The inductor would be biased under different steady state operating conditions prior to the step. Then you could use a PLECS Simulation script to iterate over a range of operating points, per the script in the attached model.

Lmeas.plecs (26.5 KB)