Problem during RT Box 1 Build process : Error in build step #2 (Make) : Make process timed out after 240 seconds


During the process of building the plant subsystem into the RT Box 1, I encountered the following error : Error in build step #2 (Make) : Make process timed out after 240 seconds.

Does this mean that I’ll have to make certain simplifications to the plant subsystem to resolve this issue?

Thank you so much.


As my colleague Bryan responded to another question you had earlier this month, you will need to consider your options for model splitting, simplification, etc., as there are a very high number of switching combinations in your model as it is currently implemented.

Best regards,


If the build process times out it’s usually due to huge source files that result from models with a large number of switches. As Kris and Bryan pointed out, try to reduce the number of switches and use the power modules wherever possible.

Even if the model can be compiled, it usually results in large execution times if the source files are that big. If you absolutely feel you want to try anyway you can increase the build timeout in the file ‘info.xml’ in the Target Support Pacakge installation directory. Find the line starting with for your respective target (there is one for RT Box 1, 2 and 3 respectively) and increase the value. You should be prepared to run into other problems though.