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Solver encountered an error while simulating model 'name_plecs' at time?

0 votes

Hello everyone,

I created a plecs model of rectifier with active and passive component and when I run it I get this error on the headline with :

Solver encountered an error while simulating model 'name_plecs' at time 0.10000000000000037 and cannot continue. Please check the model for errors.

  • Nonlinear iteration is not converging with step size reduced to hmin (3.552713678800501E-016) at time 0.1. Try reducing the minimum step size and/or relax the relative error tolerance.

what this error means and how can find which component is causing this error?


Thank you

asked Jan 10, 2022 by EMdude (75 points)

Could you please post your model?  The nature and resolution of the error depends on your model and solver settings.

Note that this error is not generated by PLECS but rather by the Simulink solver.  MathWorks Answers page does have a few posts with this error message (e.g. this link).

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