I have some basic entry-level questions regard the power loss of MOSFET with bodydiode and hope someone could provide some clarification - thank you in advance for patience!
1, When both current and voltage are reversed, it is called "3rd quadrant" operation, correct?
2. My understanding is that when 3rd quadrant operation, only bodydiode will conduct the current(reversed) and thus has CONDUCTION loss. But why the manufacturer given thermal model/datasheet also include the CONDUCTION loss of the MOSFET itself? So, MOSFET itself is also able to conduct the reversed current? How?
3. Even if MOSFET itself can also conduct the reversed current, why there's no SWITCHING loss (but only CONDUCTION loss) involved in the given thermal model?
4. The given thermal model of the bodydiode has no SWITCHING loss. Why is it so?
Thank you for patience.