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Increasing BLDC rotor speed and keeping the same voltage.

0 votes

I am wondering if there is any possibility to increase rotor speed of BLDC and still have the same voltage? I am using PWM for gate signals and they are already at their top level (duty cycle at 99%). By doing so I want to increase frequency of voltage so it will match with my real-life drive system.

Do I have to change something in parameteres of BLDC or add something to my plecs system?

Appreciate for every answer.
asked Jun 2, 2023 by Sova (16 points)
> so it will match with my real-life drive system

There's not enough detail here to determine why your simulation model and hardware diverge.  It could be how you're modeling the physical system (e.g. motor parameters are not correct) or difference in controls implementation (e.g. currents are not producing the expected torque due to vector misalignment).

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