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Plot Static Gain curve on PLECS

0 votes
I'm looking for some form of plot the static gain curve of a boost converter for example is it possible? I can plot in a specific point, but I don't know how to plot for more points of curve
asked Sep 30, 2023 by DSotoriva (18 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
To plot several static operating points one will have to run a transient or steady-state analysis for each operating point.  

A simulation script would be one solution.  Refer to the "Buck Converter with Parameter Sweep" demo model for an example simulation scripts that can be modified for this type of analysis. Once you have the data available, then you can generate a plot using either Octave (if you are using an Octave Script for PLECS Standalone) or a Python plotting library (if you are using the RPC interface for PLECS Standalone).
answered Oct 3, 2023 by Bryan Lieblick (2,045 points)