I need to generate a set of simulation results for different input parameters. I have no problem doing this by simulating the system in the traditional way using octave scripts. However, since one simulation takes quite a lot of time, I would like to trigger PLECS Analysis tools directly from the octave language. However, I could not find anywhere information whether this is possible and if so how?
Hello, please see subsection “Starting an Analysis” in the Simulation Scripts in PLECS Standalone section of Chapter 10 - Simulation Scripts of the PLECS User Manual (Page 251 in the latest PLECS 4.5 version release).
The command is:
plecs('analyze', 'analysisName', optStruct)
This starts the analysis defined in the Analysis Tools dialog under the name analysisName. The optional argument optStruct can be used to override model parameters.
Let me know if you have any questions.