Is it possible to deactivate the extrapolation in 1D-Table?


while trying to understand the File Importing function from this thread: It was found out that, when the datas in .CSV files “run out”, the 1D-Table Block will automatically extrapolate the rest of data until end of simulation. This makes it hard to achieve a automatically adjusted simulation time by getting a warning signal, when the data stream has depleted itself during simulation.

Quesion: Any work around for this? Either disable Extrapolation or other form of stopping the simulation (Not aborting) will definitely help.


The From File component, introduced in PLECS 4.4, has an Output after last time step parameter where you can specify: linear extrapolation, hold last value, or specify last value.

If you want to keep using the old method of importing data, you could add a dummy time step / value pair just after the last pair in your series. That way the result of the extrapolation is a constant value. Another “lazy” workaround is to add a Saturation block.