Is it possible to reset of RT Box after an error without rebuilding and uploading the model?


currently I’m facing the problem that the RT Box is entering sometimes the error mode, when the connected controller resets. The model is an inverter where the two half-bridges are controlled using an external controller. The controller is placed on a custom extension board which just maps the signals of the RT Box to the corresponding pins of the controller.

The issue is that the RT Box randomly enters the error mode after a reset or even when the first time the controller starts to switch the half-bridges. At the moment I’m only able to reset the RT Box by rebuilding and uploading the current unchanged model. Which tooks quite a while, to speed up this process I’m searching for a method to reset the RT Box without building the model again and upload it.

Is there any methode built in the RT Box? Cause corresponding to the manual there seems to be none…

Best regards,


You can stop and restart the current simulation from the web interface of the RT Box. You could even do it from a script by accessing the URLs http://rtboxxxxx.local/cgi-bin/stop.cgi and http://rtboxxxxx.local/cgi-bin/start.cgi using tools like curl, wget or similar.

Please note that firmware 1.6.5 contains a bug that mostly leads to crash when an error occurs. The web interface just displays „connection lost“ in this case. This will be fixed in 1.6.6 which will be released within the next days.

Kind regards,

Oliver Schwartz