multiple custom tables on Eon loss

Hello Team,

Thanks for the detailed video and description. I would like to double-check one additional point here.

My Eon is a function of Rg and Vgs. Hence I created two custom tables. One with Eon vs Rg, the second one with Eon vs Vds. In this case, Can I just multiply the scaling factors from the two look-up tables as shown in the attached image?
Is it allowed to do? Is this approach is okay?

Equation = (Elook(‘EonvsRg’,Rg)(1/19.68))(Elook(‘EonvsVgs’,Vgs)*(1/300))

Vishnu Nambrath


I assume you meant to say “the second one with Eon vs Vgs” and not “Vds”? Then yes, you can multiply the scaling factors as you have done. This approach is correct for your requirements.

