Hi, I am just trying out the plecs loss calculator, by using a simple buck converter with the PLECS model of SIC module (Half bridge) given by Infineon having part number “FF2000UXTR33T2M1”. I am attaching the picture of simulation model along with the error that i am getting.
I have also attached the plecs simulation file along with “FF2000UXTR33T2M1” xml file with this. please can you help me understand if I am doing any mistake.
Thank you
By default this model uses a Foster representation of the thermal impedance. A limitation of Foster models is that they are specific only for a fixed external temperature and cannot be connected in series to an external thermal impedance. Furthermore, the thermal interface resistance (Rtim) and external resistance (Rext) are connected in series with the foster network (Junction-R||C-…-R||C-(Rtim+Rext)-Ambient). The junction temperature can instantaneously change under those conditions based upon impulsive energy injection at the junction.
An excerpt from the PLECS help on this topic is below, but note that the “Foster networks are converter to Cauer networks at simulation start” isn’t true for these specific models (hence the checkbox).