Where can I obtain these GFI and OBC RT Box application demos shown at ECCE 2024?

This comes from the document ‘Hardware in the Loop Systems for Power Electronics Engineers’

These slides are from a tutorial given at ECCE 2024.

The grid forming application examples are from a co-presenter at that session, based on research discussed in the later slides.

The EV on-board charger application shown at the conference highlights the soon-to-be-released Nanostep Solver. However, the on-board charger demo is a derivative of a demo included in the C2000 Target Support Package that is based on other real-time modeling techniques.

Thank you, I attended the ECCE meeting and saw this report. Can I get a demo of the grid forming inverter research

Let me discuss with the co-presenter and see if they are willing to share. Let’s connect off the forum and discuss further!

Hi bryan ,

can you also please share the EV charger demo model?

The model is included in PLECS. See the On-board Charger model in the TI C2000 Target Support Demos + Power Supplies. You can click the links in the upper right corner of the documentation to open the model.