Associating HalfBridge MOSFET model for switching loss

I want to use some halfbridge modules for my project. I have been able to simulate switch models downloaded from Infineon in PLECs without problem. Some are with body didode and some are separate body diode. However, I am not working with half bridge module but I am not able to associate the model i downloaded from infienon to the half bridge block in PLECs. Is there a different way to do it ?

I get this error ’ Error in component DAB_OL_HBboth/HB1/Switched/IGBTD/FETD1/MOSFET/FETD while evaluating parameter Thermal description: The value assigned to custom variable ‘Rgoff’ is not a finite scalar.’

I am trying to use model by reference and the model part number is FF2MR12W3M1H_B11_switch.

Any help would be appreaciated. thank you!

The Half Bridge block from the power modules section is likely not the component you would like to use for thermal modeling. I would recommend two separate MOSFET with Diode components, mostly because it makes probing various signals more straightforward.

You may want to use the Half Bridge block to use your model with the RT Box, however real-time thermal models only support a limited subset of the thermal description syntax, and so this thermal model will not execute on the RT Box.

However, I am not working with half bridge module but I am not able to associate the model i downloaded from infienon to the half bridge block in PLECs. Is there a different way to do it ?

The Infineon thermal description must be associated with the “MOSFET with Diode” component type. The Half Bridge component applies a filter to the thermal descriptions according to the “Semiconductor symbol” parameter in the Parameters tab (must be set to MOSFET) and the “Antiparallel diode” setting in the Thermal tab (must be set to Combined with IGBT/MOSFET).

I get this error …

I do not see this error, but the message points you towards an issue with the Rgoff parameter you entered.

Thank you for your response Bryan. I did think about using separte MOSFET with diode component and apparently the xml file loads and runs fine. However, I could not decide how to do it. Do you suggest that I make a half bridge with two MOSFET with diode component and load the xml file in only one one of them. Since the FF2MR12W3M1H is a half bridge module, the xml likely containds description for half bridge rather than a single switch. In fact, I went through the xml file and saw that it has two part. So, I am not sure how it is handeld by PLCES, I would be grateful if you help me decide how to faithfully make my model using this.

Thank you!

I can understand why that’s confusing.

The XML file describes just one switch in the half bridge. To get the combined losses, you should associate a thermal description with each device, as they may see very different stresses.

The file has multiple parts to describe the various types of losses and constants associated with the device. There also is a separate class of the thermal descriptions called “Thermal Package Descriptions” where one can group multiple thermal descriptions for something like a half-bridge into one *.xml file, but those typically would be associated with a custom PLECS component and are not relevant for the component you’re using at the moment.

Well noted. Thank you!