Best Method of modeling LT-spice transformer

Hello All,

I am wondering what is the best method for me to model a three-winding transformer in PLECS that will results similar behavior as in LTspice model as attached in the image.

In the modeling, assuming all I know is the k factors between each winding and the inductance of each winding, but I don’t know the physical turning ratio, the leak insurance, and so on.

Thanks in advance!

Also, I guess it would be nice if the modeling could work for k-factor that are less than 1

The “Mutual Inductor” component can be configured in a similar fashion. You can enter a square matrix of inductances to model the self (diagonal) and mutual (off-diagonal) inductances.

Note that the coupling factor is not entered directly but is used determine the mutual inductances. See the component help for more details on the relationship between coupling factor and mutual inductance.