is there a way to export traces from scope that i get during external mode? I am using launchpad LAUNCHXL-F28379D. It says that i cannot use block toFile.
is there a way to export traces from scope that i get during external mode? I am using launchpad LAUNCHXL-F28379D. It says that i cannot use block toFile.
You can directly save the signal traces from the PLECS Scope by clicking File + Export drop-down.
It doesnt work like that, it only saves a couple of last samples, not the whole trace.
I am trying to save the whole trace, not just what is curently shown on scope
If you choose File + Export + As CSV you have the option to choose All or Cursor range. When choosing All, keep in mind that the number of samples returned via External Mode is limited (as described in this forum post) so you won’t get a continuous stream of all data since the program was started.