When I am trying to communicate Plecs with the f280039C control card, the following error has occurred.
Error in build step #15 (Make): Make process exited with code 2:
copy /Y “C:\Users\sachi\Desktop\Auto_Code_blink_codegen\ControlCard_TMS320F280039C.ccxml” “.\output_TI28003x\Auto_Code_blink.ccxml”
1 file(s) copied.
“C:/ti/uniflash_8.8.1/dslite.bat” --flash --config=.\output_TI28003x\Auto_Code_blink.ccxml .\output_TI28003x\Auto_Code_blink.out -u
Executing the following command:
“C:\ti\uniflash_8.8.1\deskdb\content\TICloudAgent\win\ccs_base\DebugServer\bin\DSLite” flash --flash --config=.\output_TI28003x\Auto_Code_blink.ccxml .\output_TI28003x\Auto_Code_blink.out -u
For more details and examples, please refer to the UniFlash Quick Start guide.
Auto_Code_blink.mk:175: recipe for target ‘download’ failed
‘CMD’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
make: *** [download] Error 9009
Can you please help with this.