Interfacing an INA219 via I2C on STM32


I’m trying to develop a controller for a DCDC converter for solar MPPT. For this to work, the system needs a power meter at the input of the DCDC converter. I am used to work with INA219 for these applications. I wanted to design the controller on an STM32 microcontroller (working on a Nucleo G474RE) using PLECS Coder. However from a quick glance I see that the I2C interface, used by INA219, is not supported.

Is there any way to make this work?

Thank you very much!

Gabriele, at this time there is not an I2C library block included in the STM32 target support package.

If you are familiar with STM32 HAL and comfortable writing your own driver, there may be a solution. Please reach out to and we can continue the conversation.