Question about nanostep

I modified the On-Board Charger example to use nanostep and successfully ran the simulation.
However, after connecting the RT-Box with TI, even when toggling PFC and DAB ON, they do not function properly.

To resolve this, I attempted to separate the Battery Task to run on the CPU, but encountered an error (see the attached image).

The error message indicates a conflict between the Battery Task and DAB Task.
How can I properly separate the cores to ensure that nanostep functions correctly?

I would really appreciate any help. Thank you in advance!

The TI C2000 and STM demo models are being reworked to highlight the latest RT Box features like the Nanostep solver. I’ll send you a version of these models through a direct message. I don’t want an out-of-date version lingering on the forum once there is a public release.

You can actually run the whole circuit on the FPGA, with the PFC stage either as a sub-cycle average or Nanostep configuration. You don’t need CPU multitasking and there’s a smaller time step compared to the CPU based implementation.

Regarding the error message - it’s not particularly clear what error you’re receiving or why without a model. I’ll note that you can only have one instance of the FlexArray solver (i.e. only one Electrical Model Settings block configured for the FPGA) per RT Box.