Scope bitmap export for Mac OS file size not changing

When I am exporting scope view as bitmap on Mac OS, under the image settings, for a given resolution (dpi), regardless of the quality (0-100) I select, the file size is always the same. This means the exported image becomes quite large sometimes. This is not the case under Windows, where decreasing the quality makes the file size smaller. Is there a way to get the image setting in Mac OS to behave similar to Windows?

Hi, I am not seeing this particular quirk on my MacOS. For a given dpi, when I vary the quality factor I do see varied file sizes. Which version of PLECS are you using? Maybe upgrading to the latest version would help ( Regards,Manu

Hi Manu,

Thanks for your reply. I am running the latest version of PLECS (4.3.6) and my mac is running Catalina (10.15.4). I have noticed that your file format is png. However, my file format is tiff. Did you have to change anything settings to get PLECS to output png?

Kind regards,


Hi Kevin,

The default is tif. To save the file in a specific format, for example png, add that extension to the end of the file name, while exporting. In my case I saved it as scope150_80.png.


Hi Manu,

That solved it, thank you so much!

