Thyristor model Example


I would like to simulate a rectifier based on thyristors,. Demo file examples work fine in the electrical domain.

In my case I would also like to include the thermal behaviour of the rectifier, so as starting point I’d like to use any thyristor model which includes electrical and thermal behaviour. Do you have any thyristor model example or / and library (I have looking for them and I haven’t found any)?


You can create your own PLECS thermal models from datasheets if a manufacturer does not provide a ready made model. Please see the “Importing Data from Graphical Datasheets” section of the PLECS manual and the associated video. You can also construct a model using a formula based approach as well, if you have a good reference on modeling thyristor losses.

¡Thanks!. I’ll use it, as long as it’s difficult to find plecs thyristor libraries.

Have you any progress in creating a thyristor thermal model? If you have, can you show one example of model?