Thyristor rectifier control

thyristor_converter.plecs (38.1 KB)

I’m modeling a thyristor rectifier and when the firing angle is 30 degrees, the current amplitude is 1150, when I set it to 60 degrees, the amplitude becomes 30 and the intermittent current mode begins. Please give me some advice.

Your specific question isn’t clear. Do the results not match your expectations? Is there anything about modeling in PLECS that you’re unsure about?

The mode of intermittent currents can depend on the thyristor control angle? I mean, I set the angle to 30 or the angle to 45 and the current is ~1150 amperes, and at 60 degrees 30 amperes. Is this normal or is there something wrong with my circuit?

Notice that you copied Three-Phase 6-Pulse Thyristor Converter demo model with some changes. To me everything looks like normal operation.

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Thanks for the answer, I found the behavior of the rectifier at 60 degrees strange, so I decided to check on the forum

firing angle 90. something went wrong