Hi everyone!
Tonight I left running the simulation and this morning I found this error:
“Unable to meet integration tolerances without reducing step size below smallest value allowed (7.1072e-14)”.
I have a 3-ph inverter system.
20 seconds from the start of the simulation there is a double open-phase fault simulated by a very very small load conductance (g=1e-8…maybe too small?) with a step block.
The strange thing is that it doesn’t happen when I manually try the fault at 1 second from the start of the simulation.
Is it a problem about Plecs memory usage?
Maybe should I try to increase the conductance value because it is too small?
Also another question:
I have read that when there is the “Cyclic behavior” one of the possible solutions is to increase the diode turn-on threshold. Is this threshold a “voltage threshold” like Vt=0.7 or a “time delay”?
Thank you in advance!