I have designed a converter which is connected to RL type of load. I want to measure active as well as reactive power consumed by load. I did not find any block in plecslib which enables me to measure P and Q. Could you suggest me the solution?
There is not a block that will calculate P and Q for you automatically, you will need to apply this logic yourself. But we have several demo models that show how this can be done, for example the “Microgrid in Island Operation”, “STATCOM Cascaded H-Bridge Converter”, and “Neutral-Point Clamped Converter” models. I also attached a screenshot from the NPC demo model where the P and Q equations are implemented using the measured three-phase voltage and current waveforms. Let me know if you have further questions on this topic.
What answer are you expecting? Note that the waveforms for P and Q are cyclical and vary quite a bit peak-to-peak. You should consider using a Periodic Average block with an averaging time of 1/f to get the mean P and Q values. Does this help?