I am trying to add phase shift - of value given through a signal - to a sawtooth waveform using the mod function as shown in the attached circuit. The output waveform is not at all as expected! I would expect the output waveform to be a sawtooth between 0 and 1 with the exact same slope as the original sawtooth, but phase shifted. What could be the potential reason for this misbehaving?
Thank you and kind regards,
The mod function does not create a solver hit crossing. There are solver events only at the start and end of the carrier waveform, driven by the settings of the Triangular Wave Generator, with the exception of 1x solver step at 0.06.
If you were to add a “Hit Crossing” block with a “Hit Crossing Offset” equal to your modulo value, then every time the carrier crosses the value (1.0 in your case) there would be an additional solver event at the hit crossing and the modulo will return the expected value.
Thank you very much Bryan. 
That solved the problem.
Kind regards,