Good evening everyone, I’m having trouble trying to flash the MCU in the PIL process. The build step error in “Controller_hal.c”, line 149: error: identifier “PLX_INITIALIZE” is undefined. So, I can’t build my model even I used the " simple_PIL_model" in the demo models. Can someone help me to fix this error? Thanks in advance for your help.
I attached the model and error image to this post.
Based on your error message, it looks like PLECS, the TI C2000 TSP (in the Coder Targets folder), and the model itself are all located in a OneDrive folder. Please try reinstalling PLECS and the TI C2000 TSP to a location on your local drive that is not associated with OneDrive.
Thanks for your response. However, I tried to reinstalling PLECS and TI C2000 TSP in disk C of the computer and I get the same error. I don’t know where to search about this error and can’t fix it until now. Could you give me some idea to fix this error? Thanks you very much for your help.
Thanks for making those changes. Can you please try deleting the “simple_PIL_model_codegen” folder and retrying? I’m assuming you copy/pasted your original folder structure after reinstalling everything.
Also, can you comment on the TSP Version you are using?
Lastly I noted in your recent error message you changed the version of the TI CGT. You may want to revert back to the version distributed with the TSP (cgt-c2000_18.12.8.LTS).
Thank you for responding. I apologize for the late reply as I have to finish another project. I solved this error using another computer and installed the TI C2000 TSP on the desktop this morning.